24 August 2024
Hello <3, today is the first day of me taking the LOML's advice. Tbh, it's like my life suddenly became 100% more boring. Like before, I could talk someone's ear off, but today? NOTHING HAPPENED ! I'm talking, the LOML couldn't visit, my sister said she needed to go to school, my neighbours minded their business (lowkey glad ab that ngl) and the cat I psspsspss-ed ignored me
I blame Lillideh for this (lowkey, fuck you). It's gotten so bad that at this point, I am lowkey considering going out to town so I can act like a hot person, but i don't think that'll work, because, I'll prolly cry if I'm approached .
Anyway, I decided to watch tutorials on how to make blogs with HTML, buuutttt, its really not working and i want to cry . IDK, i don't want to quit but i feel like quitting
. I hate this.
Nvm, my emotional state is back to normal now . Yippee. I went to the class group chat, someone was saying they're going to bang someone's mother and like, chelsea come on now
. I went off and just walked to the shed and looked at the things I welded. Ig looking at the things you've made and taking selfies saying "#DaVinci-core :3" is really the cure to boredom. I listened to the first half of Hamilton for the howmanieth time today, something about needing to learn the lyrics and just bobbed my head to the beat aggressively, rather than learn the lyrics. That continued with me going down a spiral of musicals I knew, so i needed to listen to the music in all of them
. I spent a good, 4(?) hours listening, mostly because in the middle of listening to one, i'll remember another.
My sister found me listening and asked me if i wanted to go somewhere with her. Since it's with her, I'll go. We went to the market (her over tall self made it so that everyone looked at her (massa break your legs )) and she bought me tampico. We met some of her friends who wanted to go on the bumper cars and they suggested i join. Naturally (as the extremely social being i am), I said yes
. I guess the day wasn't that bad after all. I should stop exagerating (forgotten how to spell it idc).